============ Installation ============ Install **django-dynamic-forms** into your virtual environment or you site-packages using pip: .. code-block:: console $ pip install django-dynamic-forms If you already use the wheel package format you can use the wheel build: .. code-block:: console $ pip install --use-wheel django-dynamic-forms To make **django-dynamic-forms** available in your Django project, you first have to add it to the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` in your ``settings.py``. If you are unsure where to put it, just append it: .. code-block:: python INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'dynamic_forms.apps.DynamicFormsConfig', ... ) To make Django aware of the dynamic forms while processing the requests / responses you need to add the ``FormModelMiddleware`` to the list of ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES``. The best place is probably at the end of the list. If your forms are not shown please refer to the :doc:`known problems ` section of the documentation: .. code-block:: python MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( ... 'dynamic_forms.middlewares.FormModelMiddleware' ) Last but not least you need to add the ``'dynamic_forms.urls'`` urlpatterns to your project's URL patterns:: urlpatterns = patterns('', ... url(r'^dynamic_forms/', include('dynamic_forms.urls', namespace='dynamic_forms')), ... ) .. important:: Make sure that you get the namespace straight: ``dynamic_forms``! Finally you have to update your database. Run: .. code-block:: console $ python manage.py migrate dynamic_forms