
Using Custom Templates

django-dynamic-forms comes with a basic template that just displays the form or a success page. You can customize these templates to your needs.

The Form Template

The following code shows the default template rendering a dynamic form.

{% load i18n %}
<h2>{{ name }}</h2>
<form method="post" action="{{ submit_url }}">
    {% csrf_token %}
    {{ form.as_p }}
    <button type="submit">{% trans "Submit" %}</button>

The DynamicFormView exposes three variables to the template context related to the form:

An instance of the form that will be shown on this page. As the form is a normal Django form, all rules from the Django documentation apply.
An instance of the form model providing the form and assigned to this URL.
The form’s name as defined in
The URL the form will be submitted to as defined in dynamic_forms.models.FormModel.submit_url. This is not the success_url!

The Success Template

The following code shows the success template after a successful form submit.

{% load i18n %}
<h2>{% trans "Success" %}</h2>
<p>{% trans "Form submitted successfully" %}</p>
{% if data %}<p>{% blocktrans with link=data.show_url_link %}For your convenience you can see your data at {{ link }}.{% endblocktrans %}</p>{% endif %}

The DynamicTemplateView exposes two variables to the template context related to the form:

An instance of the form model assigned to this URL.
If an instance of FormModelData if a existing display_key is given and the form model (model) has set allow_display to True.

Third Party Apps


django-simple-captcha provides easy CAPTCHA support for Django forms. This contrib package integrates django-simple-captcha into django-dynamic-forms allowing users to add a CAPTCHA field to their dynamic forms.

To use it make sure you installed django-simple-captcha:

$ pip install django-simple-captcha

Next put 'captcha' and 'dynamic_forms.contrib.simple_captcha' in the INSTALLED_APPS:
